What is the relationship between sound and the visual? While I am perceiving through sight I am at the same time perceiving a sound world. If I close my eyes and quiet the chattering of my mind, concentrate on only sounds, I perceive this world. What does it look like?
I begin these paintings with a pencil and a white crayon. I sit for a few minutes just listening. Then each time I hear a sound I make a mark on the paper, first with pencil then with white crayon. I try to feel what the sound looks like, a bird sound is different from a tractor, from a human voice. I try not to plan, I try to trust that my hand will know. This part is done on location. The next part may be done outside or in the studio. I decide on a color for the overall mood of the piece, and layering that and other colors I build up the surface. Then working with opaque white I block things out, always asking, what is essential? To finish I add color again. I paint on paper and unstretched canvas. I especially like the canvas because the resulting painting cannot be overly precious. It can be rolled up and easily transported. It can go with you on vacation or to the hospital.
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